Tag Archives: doguhn

The Pilgrimage

Now that I’m getting deeper into the sequel to my very first novel, Doguhn, I wanted to share an excerpt from the opening chapter. The prologue is titled, The Pilgrimage, and it takes us back before the events of the first novel, before we return to our protagonist and his companions for a new adventure.

I’m shaking the cobwebs off the site again, so updates should be coming soon. I hope you enjoy the excerpt, don’t forget my previous 3 novels are still available on Amazon, and as always, thanks for reading!!!



Before the gates of Excereax were discovered, opened, and ultimately sealed once more, before it was consumed until nothing but darkness remained, when the Dōguhn still slumbered, dreaming their murderous dreams, a man named Jerold Quintax set foot on this new world for the first time. Bordering on the land of the Eanigmus, Excereax was once a beautiful landscape of rolling hills, mountains, forests, and sparkling clean water; a land wholly uninhabited and void of intelligent life, or so it seemed. Jerold Quintax’s pilgrimage into Excereax was one of peace and exploration.

But his story was destined to be far more tragic. Continue reading

Bizarre Inspiration

Sooo…it could just be that I’ve been reading Bizarro fiction as of late, but I’ve been wanting to circle back to the insanity and freedom of writing that was The Lost Pages of Trevor Sunburn. When I had written that novel, I just came out of finishing a novel for young adults (or perhaps I should say ALL audiences, as it was written with older adults in mind as well) so naturally I’d wanted to lash out without restraint when I got my fingers back on the keyboard again.



Cover art for The Lost Pages of Trevor Sunburn

I’d been reading a lot of Burroughs around that time as well, so I’m sure that leeched into the manuscript in more than one instance. The result was the fastest and most fun novel I’d ever written that contained, as one friend put it, “a lot of fluids.” Continue reading

What Lurks Beyond the Shadow City?

What lurks beyond the shadow city? This question is the title of my new project, which I’m finally moving full-steam ahead with. It’s been quiet, I know, I know, but a divorce, foreclosure, new life and making up for lost time for the last year and a half will do that to a person. Now I’m back in Philly with my new love, my new writing room/desk all set up, and I’m writing not one, not two, but three novels at once…or at least, that’s the plan, as ludicrous as that may seem. I’m enjoying the bleed over and contrast, and if ever I hit a block in one, I can carry over to another.

In addition, I currently have two novels out on amazon now, with my third, The Skin Collection, complete and planned for release as soon as I finish with editing and cover design, as well an older young adult horror novel that I’m polishing, so while you haven’t heard from me, and I’ve been quite lazy if I’m being honest, I haven’t been sitting completely idle.

That ends now of course, as I have What Lurks Beyond the Shadow City?, The End to the Dawn, and The Eanigmus (a sequel to my first novel, Doguhn) in works. I’ll reveal more about all three as I progress and I’m sure I’ll be posting excerpts as well. If I’m feeling especially ambitious I might even pick up the movie and game reviews, or fun articles and lists again, but one step at a time.

So with that, I’ll leave you with the first Chapter of my work in progress. Let me know what you think (PLEASE), and thanks SO much for reading! I love you guys and gals! Continue reading

New Interview!

I’m honored and thrilled to have had an opportunity to be interviewed by the very talented producer/writer/singer/songwriter/actress, Tiffany Apan! She had given a wonderful review of my first novel Doguhn, for horrornews.net which you can check out here!

Website soundtrack

I’ve had the pleasure of keeping in contact with her and she’s been kind enough to interview me on her site, so please head over and check it out, and make sure you browse her wonderful work while you’re there!

My interview with Tiffany Apan can be viewed here!

Now stay tuned because I’ll be announcing more on the release of The Lost Pages or Trevor Sunburn this week!

The List (and other stuff)

I just found this little tidbit in an email I wrote to myself this past December, in an attempt to start a short horror/comedy Christmas story. It’s only the first two paragraphs, but I figured I’d share and if there’s any interest, I might finish it this year. So anyway, here’s the start of The List.

A tremendous sense of dread hung over the North Pole. He’d made his list, checked it twice, thrice, but no matter how many times he looked it over the impossible facts remained. The devil’s son had been good that year. Continue reading

Doguhn: Official Review

The first official review for Doguhn has been posted on horrornews.net

Click here to check out the full review!

Now I have to admit I was VERY nervous about this review, but was quite pleased (and a bit flattered) by the final result. 😀

The review was written by Tiffany Apan, who’s bio states that she’s an, “award winning and acclaimed independent recording artist along with being a stage/film actress, producer, and writer. You can find more about her at her Official Website , Web Blog, MySpace , Twitter , and Facebook . She can also be found on IMDb and her music releases on CDBaby along with iTunes, Amazon, and other digital retailers. She also writes for the publication, Rogue Cinema in addition Horrornews.net . She is also responsible for starting up the Music’s Underworld Webzine and it’s sister site, Heaven Sounds.”

Check out her website here—> http://www.tiffanyapan.com/

You can purchase Doguhn on trade paperback or kindle. Links to both versions as well as excerpts can be found here: Doguhn

Once again, thanks for reading.

– Jason

A new year of horror fiction

Though this blog has been relatively inactive as of late, it’s anything but forgotten. Believe me, the pressure and stress of this site sitting idle, putrefying while I suffer through the trials of the real world weigh heavily on me each day. And don’t doubt for a second that I’m aware of the importance of maintaining such a site if I’m to bring exposure to the years of hard work and growth I’ve undergone as a writer, and trust me, having someone read and hopefully enjoy my work is my ultimate goal.

I’ve been low on energy, low on inspiration and currently, I’m low on coffee–perhaps the most frightening of all–but I’ve toppled my writers blocks and made a significant dent in a new chapter of The Skin Collection that had been kicking my ass for the better part of a month. It’s a complicated chapter that I’ve decided to make even more complicated rather than going the easy route, but I feel the end result will be well worth the effort, even if I had more days than I’d like to count watching a blinking cursor and daydreaming about triforce pieces, Romulans and sexdragons. Continue reading

Dōguhn: Coming soon

Doguhn - book cover

I’m making preparations to release Dōguhn, my first novel, for sale through Create Space on Amazon, to be sold as a trade paperback and for digital download through Kindle. I can’t say with any degree of certainty when it will be ready, but I estimate the process to take approximately a month (at least). I’ll be sure to let everyone know before it’s up for sale, and I’ll include more samples for your (hopeful) enjoyment in the meantime.

Are you planning take the adventure to the Eanigmus and learn the terrible secrets it hides, or are you, as our main protagonist asks, “…just gonna stand there with half a head?”

The Man With a Thousand Wounds (excerpt from Dōguhn)

I’ve been occupied with some things and so I regret that this site has been neglected. Though I’m happy to report that I’ve gotten quite a bit of writing done on my newest manuscript today (The Skin Collection). The chapter I just finished may be my most blasphemous work to date. I may post it on here eventually, but for now I’ll post another chapter from my first novel, Dōguhn. I’ll be reviewing a couple more movies shortly (potentially Kurosawa’s Cure and Cronenberg’s Shivers), and may even post some more top ten lists. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this excerpt from the chapter entitled, The Man With a Thousand Wounds. And don’t forget, I have a promise to keep; these books will be up for sale in the not too distant future…

Continue reading

The Quest For Knowledge (Excerpt from Doguhn)

A sample of the first chapter of my first novel ( Dōguhn ), written a few years ago but recently revised and soon to available to purchase…Please take the time to read, and if you enjoy it (or even if you hate it) leave a comment and let me know!

There are individuals in this world whose desires and ravenous hunger sometimes drive them to measures one would otherwise recoil from. In many cases those actions lead to such boundaries as murder, whether for business or pleasure. The man in apartment E6, on many occasions, has taken part in both. Continue reading